Resolution: Update MYTSOFT.EXE / add Region/KeyPaint/KBFEdit featuresIMPORTANT: For best results, only download/work with this update if instructed so by IMG Technical Support.
- IMPORTANT: This is only a direct replacement to the Build-A-Board 2.20 R3 run-time component MYTSOFT.EXE/MACROBAT.EXE for the Windows 32 environment (MSWIN32). This may not be used in Windows CE, or any other environment!
- See README.TXT in Zip file
- Files provided in ZIP - refer to README.TXT in Zip file for further notes/information/implementation
- Instructions: Make sure Build-A-Board is closed. In Windows Explorer or command prompt, get to \Program Files\Build-A-Board\Bin\MSWIN32 folder, then rename existing MYTSOFT.EXE to MYTSOFT.220R3. Copy downloaded file into folder (extracted from zip). Also do the same for \Program Files\Build-A-Board\Bin\TEST folder, rename existing MYTSOFT.EXE to MYTSOFT.220R3. Copy downloaded file into folder (extracted).
- Rebuild any projects to have update take affect, or copy MYTSOFT.EXE/MACROBAT.EXE directly onto end-user run-time system (e.g. rename existing MYTSOFT.EXE to MYTSOFT.220R3, then copy in new version of MYTSOFT.EXE, same with MACROBAT.EXE)
- Download My-T-Soft 2.20 R3 Update as 5/23/2013 (1.6MB) (MD5: 63E59C63F2BEA1853E231E969936F23C) (unzips into mswin32_220r3_update_22_May_2013 with MYTSOFT.exe plus other files)
- IMPORTANT NOTE:On Windows Server or other systems with more secure configurations, the actual run-time software should reside in \Program Files (x86) - because this uses local DLL files for some of the example functionality, security can limit loading/running code from the DLLs if NOT running as Administrator (unless located in a secure location, i.e. recommend Program Files location)
- Download My-T-Soft 2.20 R3 KeyPaint.DLL Source/workspace as 11/22/2011 (423k) (MD5: 812769CD437B57935B5E042FE87D9E8D) (unzips into KEYPAINT folder)
- Refer to notes in MYTSOFT.INI for how to implement INI based features
- The CMD:LKBF has been added, which Loads a KeyBoard File, and positions the window based on an optional specified add-on (instead of the embedded position in the KBF file). The syntax is [CMD:LKBF=???.KBF[,positioninfo]] (see below for more details)
- This is a maintenance update / patch based on technical support issues and customer requests.
- Files tagged as 2.20
- If you do not experience any of the above listed problems, or need new features, there is no need for this update.
- For KeyPaint.dll refer to PaintDLL Notes in IMG Developer's Kit and Source Files. Workspace for MS Visual Studio 6
- To utilize Clock/Time/Date display, refer to README.TXT in zip file - include appropriate DLL (e.g. ClockDisplay.dll, refer to settings in ClockDisplay.ini), and then create key with Key Label as {IMG:*ClockDisplay.dll}. Asterisk indicates live updating display. DLL name is used by DLL to determine type of display. There is no Key Action available for keys using this display option. If more customization is needed beyond the available options, please contact IMG Technical Support.
LKBF Notes:
If no [,positioninfo] is provided, the center point of the existing layout will be used as the anchor point.
The following positioninfo values will exist:
"top" - the top / center will be the anchor point
"bottom" - the bottom / center will be the anchor point
"left" - the left / center will be the anchor point
"right" - the right / center will be the anchor point
"toplft" - the top / left corner will be the anchor point
"toprgt" - the top / right corner will be the anchor point
"botlft" - the bottom / left corner will be the anchor point
"botrgt" - the bottom / right corner will be the anchor point
"scrntl" - will position on the screen top / left
"scrntc" - will position on the screen top / center
"scrntr" - will position on the screen top / right
"scrnml" - will position on the screen middle / left
"scrnmc" - will position on the screen middle / center
"scrnmr" - will position on the screen middle / right
"scrnbl" - will position on the screen bottom / left
"scrnbc" - will position on the screen bottom / center
"scrnbr" - will position on the screen bottom / right
"overlay" - will overlay the existing window (layouts should be same size)
For example, [CMD:LKBF=TEST.KBF,right] will effectively open the new layout with the right-most edge anchored, giving the illusion that it extends the panel outwards to the left (assuming TEST is larger than than the showing layout).
Category: Using | Type: Problem/Resolution | Product: Build-A-Board | Version: 2.20 |
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