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My-T-Soft for Android 2.20.18 Release

The latest update of My-T-Soft for Android is now available. Many features and capabilities have been added to address real-world customer needs, and this release also provides support for the latest Android release (Oreo 8.0/8.1).

New features include the ability to use the [CMD:KEYCODE=nnn] for the Key Action so any Android key code can be used. This can be helpful or important for various specific uses, and allows even more flexibility with building boards to do various tasks or provide the user/operator with the tools they need to optimize the user interface. One of the capabilities of My-T-Soft is to separate the Key Label from the Key Action, and being able to put any Android virtual key event(s) behind a key press opens up a wealth of possibilities.

There is also a Force Visibility option that can be used to create a fixed user interface. Although this is non-standard operation, if a device is used for a single purpose/single-app, being able to tie My-T-Soft into the whole system as a constant presence adds another unique capability. There is also a [CMD:TOGGLEFORCESHOW] key action command that enables/disables this feature, providing a way for the user to dismiss the keyboard if there is a need to exit this special mode.

Another new feature is the ability to import/export My-T-Soft for Android settings. This can be done locally via a file, or can be tied to the device in a user's account. This can be used for backup, so desired settings can be retrieved, or for deployment purposes.

For those not yet familiar with My-T-Soft for Android, key features include the ability to customize layouts with IMG's Build-A-Board, tie layouts together into sets, position layouts anywhere on the screen, and customize key actions with keystroke macros and internal commands (Launch Apps, Open New Keyboard File, etc.). The software installs as another input method, and can be swapped in & out with other methods. My-T-Soft for Android can tie into accounts at, so favorite boards can be quickly brought onto any device, and provides access to the ever growing online database of onscreen keyboard layouts. Because layouts are customizable, key sizes are flexible, and both text and images can be used on keys, the possibilities for optimizing the user input interface are endless.

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